Is It Better to Make a Wall Look Like Beache Wood or Furniture

Faux Driftwood Finish for a Weathered Wood Paint Effect with Latex Pigment

Whether you want to refinish a stained table or a painted dresser, this easy driftwood stain technique will give y'all a driftwood finish on whatsoever surface!

E'er wonder how to get the look of driftwood on your existing article of furniture?  Many tutorials volition show you how to go this weathered wood look on raw wood equally a driftwood finish stain, but this process gives you the aforementioned await on ANY surface – even metal.

This is a bang-up tutorial for you if you:

  • like the look of a farmhouse finish on furniture and decor
  • need to refinish a previously stained or painted antique only don't want to strip information technology
  • like the littoral look of a beachwood finish on decor
  • don't like the smell and unpredictable nature of stain
  • want to make your own driftwood!

Do you dear the weathered forest finish that you lot oft see in Restoration Hardware or Pottery Barn?  That dreamy finish is MUCH easier to replicate than you think!

faux driftwood

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☑️ MY Best All-time Article of furniture PAINTING TIPS (Free PRINTABLE) Want to transform a furniture slice only don't know where to begin?  Download your Complimentary stride-by-stride printable checklist that shows yous the exact process I've used on dozens of article of furniture pieces while saving you time and money! And it costs you nothing. #confetti toss  Click hither to admission your checklist now : Free Must-Have Painting Checklist

Why Driftwood Finishing Techniques are Ameliorate than a Driftwood Stain

Time and time again I've seen the same thing happen with traditional stain.  I think it's going to look one way and information technology never does.  That's considering with traditional stain, it's incommunicable to know how ane coat of stain is going to look on raw wood. Depending on how wet the forest is and the type, stains just absorb differently.  That's why I utilise faux stains for everything now.  Your results are predictable every unmarried time.

As well, with a imitation stain, yous accept the luxury of beingness able to refinish a stained or painted piece of piece of furniture without the hassle and mess of stripping.  For a traditional stain y'all accept strip the piece down to the raw forest just with this faux finish yous can just prime it and add together the faux finish over the old stain.

To see all my Faux Stain Shades, CLICK Here.  One of these simulated stains is Barnwood and the driftwood end is only barnwood with 1 last step – a whitewash.

Faux Driftwood: DIY Tutorial

Reese Witherspoon once said, "My dominion is: if information technology's not moving, monogram information technology."  Equally a Southern girl myself, I definitely honey her classy taste and want to monogram 'all the things'.

All the same, my own version of her quote would accept a unlike spin: "My dominion is: if information technology'southward not moving, pigment it!"

driftwood stain

It's true that some furniture in my house have been painted non one time but twice or EVEN three different times.  I'1000 not much of a pack-rat merely I'one thousand very sentimental virtually furniture for some reason.

The chiffonier that held our xx gallon aquarium when I was a kid is non repainted and in our role.  The headboard my dad used was transformed into a prepare of shelves, now in my daughter's room in a shade of soft pinkish.  And the desk-bound I am sitting at is made of an old door and two brusk shelves that were in one case my grandmother'southward.

So what is driftwood finish? I'thousand sure you accept noticed the driftwood or weathered forest finish on the pages of your latest Restoration Hardware or Pottery Barn itemize. Oftentimes times their stained piece of furniture looks like distressed beach woods and goes well with farmhouse and coastal abode decor. Run across my DIY farmhouse home decor here.

After some trial and mistake, I've figured out how to paint a driftwood finish on any surface, not just raw wood. In other words, whether it's a dark stained coffee table, a laminate desk or a painted dresser, you tin go a Restoration Hardware stain – DIY version!

Also, If you read my post Why I Don't Apply Chalk Paint, I'm a big fan of using good, old latex on piece of furniture.  You could probably get a driftwood finish with chalk pigment but latex has been effectually for decades and I'yard convinced you can get a more durable faux driftwood finish with less hassle and pay much less.

Supply Listing: How to Create a Faux Driftwood Finish

Satin Latex Paint in Valspar Coastal Villa at Lowe'due south*

Satin Latex in Valspar Harvest Dark-brown at Lowe's*

Valspar Clear Mixing Glaze at Lowe's – I've tried others.  Go this!

Brushes – this ready is great!

Zinsser Cover Stain Primer – Click here for the electric current cost!

Sample Container of White Latex Pigment*

Baby wipes (I recommend Huggies Natural Care)

Top Coat – I LOVE this stuff!      You tin can also click here for my favorite top coats: All-time Clear Coats for Furniture.

Don't forget to download my All-time Furniture Painting Tips and Tricks Printable for Free HERE.

*Cost-saving tip:  If you are doing a small-scale furniture or just the top of a piece, you tin can get the sample sizes of these colors.

driftwood stain

DIY Driftwood Tutorial

Before yous get started information technology'southward good to have a goal or look in mind.  Here is some driftwood inspiration so in case you want to refer dorsum to it during the process.

Does your furniture piece take any damage similar holes, deep scratches or chipped drawers?  Then, read this post for an like shooting fish in a barrel ready: The Ultimate Guide to Set Furniture Harm

1. Prep Piece of work for Your DIY Driftwood Stain

Stop! Before you practice annihilation…take a before picture.  When you are washed, mail service the before and later pics here, so I can see the amazing work y'all've done! ❤️

I'thousand a large proponent of sanding and priming furniture earlier painting because you desire to make certain that your base coat sticks to the surface now and for years to come. In my post How to Sand Furniture in Less Than five Minutes, I share about how to prep your furniture surface easily.

Remember you are not sanding off the one-time end.  Simply take a few minutes to scuff up the existing surface so it absorbs the new paint.  And so, wipe with a damp rag.

Afterwards sanding, paint over the surface with a primer like Zinsser Comprehend Stain.  (To save a step, you could even take your primer tinted the aforementioned color equally the base coat and skip the base of operations coat altogether.)  Let the primer dry for 24 hours.

At this signal I also painted the residual of my dresser in Behr Sonata, a really nice light blue.

faux driftwood

Step 2:  Driftwood Greyness Paint for a Base Coat

Perfect for a driftwood (weathered wood) finish, Valspar (at Lowe's) carries a colour called Littoral Villa that we will use equally our base of operations coat.  Y'all can get information technology in the Valspar brand or Sherwin Williams brand but just make sure to get the colour Coastal Villa.

Paint it over your furniture surface with a brush, not a roller. This is the one time we actually don't mind seeing brush strokes considering they volition mimic the texture of wood grain.  Be sure to brush in long strokes from ane side to the other.

Step 3: Calculation a Coat Layer to Create a Forest Look

After your base coat has dried (cheque the re-glaze fourth dimension on the can), yous can add your 'wood grain colour' past mixing a 1:1 ratio of the Valspar Harvest Brown color with the clear mixing glaze.  Stir it well and then paint that mixture on your slice.

The mixing glaze helps it to stay wet longer just I wouldn't waste matter a lot of time during this part.  Paint this mixture on your piece in long strokes, not picking upwards your brush until AFTER yous have reached the edge.

For the same technique, you tin can see the video above where I show you how to do a stained wood look with latex paint.  The only deviation with the driftwood terminate is that you add together the whitewash in the next pace

Once again, this coat mixture volition naturally have long streak marks from your brush and that gives it the look of wood grain.  Only keep making brush strokes from left to right until y'all get the wait you want.  If it's getting too nighttime.  Wipe off your brush with a paper towel between strokes.  Getting besides light?  Add together a little more of your pigment/glaze mixture.

You can really decide how night or light you lot want your terminate with this process.

Only keep brushing in long strokes and you will kickoff to see the coat mimic the look of forest grains similar in the picture below.  When you get the look you desire (and information technology will expect AMAZING!), determine you are done with this part and don't affect it again until information technology's dry.

Permit it dry out at to the lowest degree 24 hours. (I really had to refinish the acme of this piece considering I got a niggling cocky and idea I could do the coat and whitewash in one twenty-four hour period.  When I went to do the whitewash, the glaze began to come upwards because it wasn't completely dry.  I knew better and won't make that error over again!)

At this bespeak, it should kind of look similar this picture below and where I would stop this process if I was doing my regular faux stain.  Simply on to whitewashing for a driftwood look!

faux driftwood

Footstep 4: Dry Castor –  The Final Step for a Faux Driftwood Finish

Of import – For this step, my instructions previously said to whitewash but because the chemicals in some infant wipes vary, a few readers had trouble with the baby wipes removing some of the brownish layer.  The all-time solution is to dry brush instead of whitewash.  Don't worry; you will get the SAME look just with  a slightly dissimilar technique.  Here'southward how to dry castor for the final step:

Now that we have the await of wood grain, we want to add that smokey finish to go the beachy, weathered look.

We are going to employ the clear mixing glaze a 2nd fourth dimension.  Mix a one:1 ratio of white pigment to your articulate mixing glaze and pigment it all over the piece.

Get a couple paper plates.  On ane plate put virtually a tsp of your white paint/coat mixture.  Add a little chip of white paint to your brush.  On the other paper plate, wipe off as much equally the paint equally you can.

At present castor the paint on in long strokes in the direction of the grain.  If the streaks of paint are too white, use your finger to smudge it but exist sure to go in the management of the grain.  Keep doing this until you add enough white to get the look you want.

best furniture painting tips

Step five: Protecting Your Faux Driftwood Paint Technique

Information technology's not completely necessary just I like to add a topcoat for added durability, especially if you are refinishing a slice that will get regular use.  Later on my post The Best Clear Glaze for Piece of furniture, I found the best options is Varathane's Water-based Topcoat (bank check the current price here).  This topcoat is nice because it is h2o-based meaning it'south easier to clean up brushes and also has little odor.  It also will non yellow like some top coats will over fourth dimension.

Just paint the top coat on and bank check for drips afterward a few minutes.  If this is a high-use piece of furniture piece, I would do iii coats of pinnacle-coat.  Fortunately, it goes on fast and dries fast.

To salve time on your article of furniture project, be certain to check out my all-time painting tips.  I promise you will exist happy yous did.

Now that y'all are washed, I'd love to see how it turned out! ❤️  Mail your before and after photos here!

driftwood stain
driftwood stain

What's overnice about this process is that it'south so versatile as it can be used on any surface including painted piece of furniture, stained furniture, metal etc. I have a friend who wanted to know how to make sticks look like driftwood for a "bouquet" on her mantel.  She tried this process for sticks in her backyard and information technology worked!

You can also bank check out this post for the big reveal of this dresser.  It went from a horrific, stinky mess to i of my absolute favorite furniture pieces so far!  Here is the before motion picture.  Click here to come across how information technology turned out!

driftwood stain

Be sure to save this pin so you lot can annotate on it later with your before and after pics!  Pivot it here:

faux driftwood finish

 How To Faux Terminate A Metal Door To Look Like Woods

Did you know yous tin can utilise any false stain on a metal or fiberglass door to make information technology await like its fabricated out of real hardwood? To see how I painted my metal back door, click here: The Easy Way To Pigment Whatsoever Door To Look Like Wood

  • Faux Stain with Latex Paint
  • How To Create A Raw Forest Finish (No Bleaching or Stripping Required!)
  • How to Gel Stain Furniture
  • How to Pick the Correct Clear Coat for Furniture
  • Why I Don't Use Chalk Paint
  • Must-Take Furniture Painting Checklist
  • Like shooting fish in a barrel DIY Farmhouse Coffee Table
  • The Best Woods for Furniture Builds

 ☑️ My All-time Best Furniture Painting Tips & Tricks (FREE PRINTABLE)

Don't forget to download your Costless step-by-step printable checklist that shows you the exact procedure I've used on dozens of furniture pieces while saving you time and money!

Driftwood Technique with Latex – FAQ's:

What color is driftwood piece of furniture?

Driftwood tin can have more of a gray tone or a brown tone.  If you desire to have a brown or taupe undertone, don't utilise very much of the whitewash terminate.  If you want a grayer tone, you can employ more of the whitewash.   The nice affair about this process is that it can be easily customized and if yous become to much whitewash on the surface, you tin just wipe information technology off.

Can you do a driftwood finish with chalk paint?

You admittedly tin can practise a driftwood finish with chalk paint.  I similar using latex because it is much cheaper only also because the texture of latex allows the glaze to glide over it easier giving the look of wood grains underneath the white wash.  Y'all can read more most why I don't use chalk paint here: Why I Don't Use Chalk Paint: A Better Culling

How to Make Driftwood

Yous can use this aforementioned process to make driftwood for decor purposes.  Just find some branches that are thick and your length of pick.  Let them dry out out well in your garage or a covered area.  Then, apply this aforementioned finish as described above.  I would not utilise the glaze step on the ends, only on the areas where there would be bark.  Hither are some fun ideas for driftwood crafts: 15 Driftwood Craft Ideas

Driftwood stain for raw wood:

If you are wondering how to get a driftwood stain on maple, pine or oak, you'd follow the verbal same procedure as described.  However, I wouldn't worry about primer with raw woods; simply sand over it if you want a smooth surface.

Driftwood Finish Stain – Final Thoughts

Whether you lot are are refinishing a brand new piece of unfinished wood or a 50 yr old stained antique, this process volition never permit yous downward.  I beloved that information technology is then easy to get a gorgeous simulated driftwood stain with the same results every fourth dimension. No just is information technology elementary, simply it'southward also cheap and can be easily customized to whatever tone or shade of driftwood stain you want.

What are your thoughts, my friend?  Do you have a project in mind that could utilize a simulated driftwood stain?  I would love to hear your thoughts and questions!  Coil down to leave a annotate and I Will answer!❤️



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driftwood stain

How to Brand a Driftwood Stain with Paint

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