How to Clean Unfinished Wood Furniture

You chose those unfinished wood floors for your home because of the customization that is possible with them. Only no wonder you have come to realize that these floors are more than susceptible to stains and damage. Finished wood floor planks are treated before they are put into employ. This makes them more resistant to discolorations, stains, and water damage.

Cleaning unfinished forest can oft be hard because the utilise of soap could harm the wood and the utilise of water could discolor and cause the wood to peachy up. All these factors and more contribute to the challenges that come with cleaning unfinished wood.

The bang-up question at present is how and what can be used to make clean unfinished woods in the dwelling.

Fortunately, there are some unproblematic and proven ways to go about it.

What to Consider Before Cleaning Unfinished Forest Floors?

1- Stability of the forest

This would determine the safest method that tin exist used to clean the forest without deteriorating it. To determine the stability of your wood you lot can use the post-obit means:

For woods that absorb water quickly, it is preferable to use dry cleaning methods that require little or no quantity of water while wet methods tin be used for woods that do not absorb water rapidly.

2- Type and Condition of the Wood

It is too important to know the condition and type of your unfinished wood before embarking on cleaning.

Older wood will require CAREFUL handling as they tin can be prone to harm whereas newer woods notwithstanding have their forcefulness.

Also, Pinewood can absorb the stains hands while other types are harder and will more likely allow the stain stay at the surface.

three- Presence of Patinas

Patinas are remnants of substances that are applied on the surface of the woods which could be the blanket residue.

They can be sometimes hard to differentiate from dirt and could get in the mode of cleaning only with proper scrutiny, you tin be able to identify and make clean the dirt.

4- Testing

It is as well of import to test different methods on inconspicuous areas of the unfinished woods to help you determine the method that volition crusade less or no damage to your unfinished wooden surface.

How to Clean Unfinished Wood (nine Methods)

Allow's see some safe methods that can exist used to clean your unfinished wood.

METHOD 1: Using Soft Microfiber Cloth

The use of a soft cloth preferably a microfiber material to delicately clean the surface is one of the easiest methods to clean your unfinished wood.

This method is not bad for unfinished wooden surfaces that do not incorporate excessive clay in the grain of the forest.

YOU'LL Demand

Soft textile (microfiber)


1- Go a clean and dry soft microfiber cloth and use it to gently wipe the surface of your unfinished forest.

Information technology is as simple equally that. Use this method for regular maintenance of your floors.

Let's see some other method.

METHOD ii: Using Vinegar

Vinegar is a cleaning agent that is used by many professionals for cleaning a variety of surfaces, including unfinished wooden floors or tables.

Vinegar's acidic mature could plough out to be besides harsh and cause impairment to your wood. So it should be diluted with either water or essential oil, which will help in reducing the concentration and olfactory property of the vinegar.


Container or bucket
Mopping material


1- Set up a diluted solution of vinegar by adding 1/2 cup of vinegar to ane gallon of h2o in a bucket.

ii- Soak your mopping material/material with the mixture, squeeze until all liquid is out and use the damp cloth to clean the unfinished wood surface.

Uncomplicated! Isn't it?

METHOD 3: Using Erasing Compounds & Erasers

Using Eraser's crumbs is besides one of the mild ways of cleaning unfinished wooden surfaces. They are available in dissimilar sizes. Examples of erasers crumbs include Staedtler Mars Plastic and Eberhard Faber 1954 known every bit "Magic Rub".

You lot'LL Need

Soft brush
Vacuum cleaner


1- Rub a small amount of your erasing compound over the surface of the unfinished wood.

2- To become the dirt out of the grain, rub the eraser in the management of the grain several times.

3- Afterwards a few minutes of rubbing, the erasing compound will become dirty every bit a effect of the dirt and stains, you should change the side of the rubber or apply the cleaner i.

4- The eraser residue along with the clay should now be removed by a soft castor or a vacuum.

METHOD four: Using Sandpaper

Sandpaper is a powerful cleaning material for unfinished wooden surfaces. Employ this method to remove dye stains, dirt, and other forms of tough stains on the wooden surface.

Care should be taken when selecting your sandpaper, coarse texture of about 100 will damage your wood, a medium texture of nearly 150- 190 can be used to remove scratches and stains while fine textures of most 200-220 can be used to sand your woods before painting.


Sandpaper (150-190)


1- Castor away the surface dust and debris.

2- Lightly damp material and wipe the woods surface.

iii- Very gently rub away the oil stains from the wood with 150 grit sandpaper. Use the sandpaper in the direction of the grain and not the other way.

METHOD five: Using Water & Soap

H2o and lather are also cleaning agents that can exist used in cleaning the surface of unfinished woods. Information technology should be noted that soaps with harsh chemicals should be avoided to foreclose harm to the surface.


Soft material or castor
Dry soft cloth


1- Make a solution of water and your lather.

2- Soak a soft cloth with the solution and squeeze the excess water out of information technology.

iii- Use the damp cloth to rub the floor at intervals until you get your surface make clean.

iv- Then dry the floor with a cloth or by turning the fan on.

METHOD 6: Using Adhesive Condom

The adhesive is a natural rubber product that is frequently used to clean unfinished wood.

With its sticky nature, it works by alluring dirt and stains in the grain and crevices of the unfinished wooden with its sticky nature.


Agglutinative rubber


1- Press the agglutinative on the surface and gently ringlet information technology over the woods massaging its manner into the grain of the wood.

2- As this is washed, information technology becomes darker every bit a result of the quantity of dirt that sticks with it.

3- Remove the adhesive, turn over the surface to reveal the neat role, and massage once again into the surface until your unfinished wooden surface is make clean.

METHOD vii: Using Trisodium phosphate

Trisodium Phosphate can exist used to remove stains from the surface.

Y'all'LL Demand

Trisodium phosphate
Soft brush
Soft cloth


i- Dust a thin layer of trisodium phosphate on the wooden surface.

2- Scrub gently using a soft bristle brush.

3- Pour a little quantity of water on the surface once the stains and dirt are gone, then clean it off immediately.

iv- Allow drying.

METHOD 8: Using Mineral Spirits

This is a petroleum substance used for removing paints from paintbrushes and information technology could likewise exist used to remove stains/dyes from the surface of unfinished wood, however, the mineral spirit is dangerous to the wellness, and a mask should exist used when using it to make clean.


Mineral spirit
Soft cloth / Onetime towel
Dry cloth


1- Pour a little amount of the chemic on the surface.

2- Scrub the chemical on the surface gently using a soft cloth or a towel.

3- Immediately dry the surface using a dry textile.

METHOD 9: Using Water & Tater's oil

Murphy'south Oil is one of the popular mixtures that has been proven to be effective in cleaning wooden surfaces.

YOU'LL Demand

Murphy'south Oil
Soft cloth


i- Make a solution of h2o and Spud oil with the aforementioned measurement as that of vinegar.

ii- Dip the soft fabric into the water, squeeze excess fluid out of the cloth.

3- Use this clammy cloth to wipe the surface until it is clean and allow it to dry.

METHOD 10: Using a Brush

This method is useful in removing deeply ingrained dirt and debris. A wipe with a microfiber cloth would only clean away the surface dust simply this method volition exist required for the tougher job.


Potent bristled brush
Broom / vacuum
Microfiber cloth


1- Using the potent-bristled brush, gently make clean the wood. Make sure to utilise the brush in the direction of the wood grain.

2- The dirt will showtime to loosen up.

three- Using a Vacuum (preferably a handheld one), remove the loosened-upward debris.

four- Wipe the surface with a clean microfiber textile.

How to Remove Grease and Oils Stains from Unfinished Woods?


Mineral spirit
Baking Soda / Corn Starch
Plastic wrap
Brush / Vacuum


1- Wear your gloves and open the windows.

two- Using a cloth, apply a piffling amount of mineral spirit to the wooden surface and rub it a few times.

3- Spread a expert amount of Baking Soda or cornstarch over the oil stain.

4- Cover the spread with your plastic wrap to prevent it from getting diddled away.

five- Let the pulverization stay there for 6-7 hours or overnight.

vi- Later on the rest, sweep abroad the powder with a brush or a vacuum.

vii- If the stain isn't fully gone, repeat the procedure again until the oil is no longer t be seen.

How to Get Sticky Stuff Off Unfinished Woods?

This method is not bad for removing Chewing gum or tree sap spills from your wooden surfaces. Both of these tin be a nightmare for your unfinished wood. They can remain stuck to your wood and cause impairment.

YOU'LL Demand

Zipper bag
Ice cubes
Plastic Pocketknife / plastic scraper


ane- Put a few ice cubes in your zipper bag and place the cold bag over the chewing gum or tree sap.

two- Hold it in that location for 5 minutes.

three- Remove the bag and test if the mucilage has hardened. If yeah, use the plastic knife or scraper to scrape off the sticky mess.

How to Clean Unfinished Wood Before Painting?

You lot'LL NEED

Spray bottle
Soft cloth


1- Pour water into the spray canteen and add a little quantity of vinegar to it.

2- Encompass and milk shake well.

three- Spray the solution onto the cloth to make information technology damp.

iv- Rub the clammy fabric on the wooden surface. Brand sure to not rub besides hard.

v- Allow the wood to dry completely before painting.

How to Make clean Unfinished Wood Drawers


Soft cloth
Soft Brush


1- Utilize your soft brush to remove all the dirt that is in the nooks and crannies of your unfinished wooden drawer.

two- Dampen your soft cloth with water and use it to gently wipe the surface of the drawer.

three- To remove stains from the drawer, gear up a soap solution and dip your soft cloth into the solution.

4- Squeeze out excess water and apply the lightly damp cloth to rub the surface of your unfinished wooden drawer.

5- Allow the drawer to dry.

6- Then dust blistering powder on the surface of the drawer, exit for a while later which you lot can at present make clean away the pulverisation using a handheld vacuum.

Routine Cleaning

Routine cleaning will aid in keeping the dirt away which can scratch the wood surfaces.

1- While using brooms and brushes, stick to the soft-bristled ones.

2- While wiping the dust away, e'er use gentle strokes.

3- Endeavour to avoid wetting your wood, unless absolutely necessary as moisture will crusade the wood to swell.

How to Tell if Your Wood is Unfinished?

To know this, but apply these simple steps!

i- Take a few drops of water in your hand and drib them onto your wooden surface.

two- If the water gets absorbed by the woods, it is unfinished wood merely if the driblet stays on the surface, the wood is treated and has some polish over it.


Whether y'all have surface dirt or deeply ingrained dirt in your unfinished wood, the methods are there to your rescue.

I have shown you about all of the situations that people autumn into while dealing with messes on their wooden surfaces. Utilise the methods and do your happy dance.


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